Slovak Research and Development Agency (SRDA)

The Slovak Research and Development Agency (SRDA) is a non-profit making organisation of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic of the SR. SRDA has been established by the Act No.172/2005 in July 2005 to support research and development (basic and applied research and experimental development) by providing funds for the implementation of the following types of the projects:
1) research and development projects in all fields of science and technology
General Calls – Research and development support in all scientific areas.
2) within the Agency‘s programmes
Grant scheme programmes represents an effective system for the support of research and development activities which specifies the fields of promotion of joint research and development programmes, the criteria for evaluating project proposals and the forms of providing funds.
List of grant schemes:
3) under international agreements on scientific and technological co-operation and projects within international programmes and initiatives in the field of research and development including costs of their preparations
International activities include bilateral international co-operation in science and technology. The Agency supports the mobility of researchers on the basis of international agreements on scientific and technological co-operation.
Bilateral co-operation enables the Slovak research institutions to establish contacts with foreign partners and create conditions for a successful multilateral co-operation, mainly under FP7, and projects under EUREKA, COST, NATO, ESF and other programmes.
The coordination of participation of the Slovak Republic in the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development and Demonstration Activities (FP7) and the activities of support structures for FP7 – the national contacts points for various priorities of FP7 forming part of the European Network of NCP (National Contact Points) – was a prominent part of the role of SRDA.