Ilosvai Selymes Péter Folk Ensemble

Folklórny súbor Ilosvai Selymes Péter - Ilosvai Selymes Péter Néptáncegyüttes
Contact: Michal Kupec, Andrea Kupecová (f) Artistic Managers
Mierová 431, 044 55 Veľká Ida, Slovakia
421 (0) 907 057791
421 (0) 55 728 7311

Founded in 1951, the Ilosvai Selymes Péter Folk Ensemble seeks to preserve and present the authentic folk dance of the Hungarian nationality in Slovakia. In addition to Hungarian folk dances from Slovakia the ensemble also presents dances from Hungary and Transylvania. Its repertoire includes dances from Magyarbőd, Imreg, Gömör, Parchovany, Mátyusföld, Szatmár, Kartal, Szék, Ördöngősfüzes, Mezőkölpény, Moldva, Zobor, Kamienka, and Szászcsávás. The group has no musicians of its own but it collaborates with other folk music bands like Zeleziar and Borievka from Kosice or Dűvő from Hungary.

The group comprises about 30 members whose average age is about 22-24. It gives about 30 performances a year and has appeared at numerous international festivals, including Romania (1993), France (1997, 2000, 2002, Spain (1998) and Belgium (2003, 2004). The group is also a regular participant in the Csángó fesztivál in Jászberény and many other festivals in Hungary. It has won numerous awards.

