Government Office of the Slovak Republic

The Office of the Government of the SR is a central state administration body of the Slovak Republic, responsible for supervising the fulfilment of state administration duties and for the management of funds allocated for their fulfilment as well as for the administration and handling of petitions, announcements and proposals. The Office also fulfils various tasks connected with the professional, organisational and technical aspects of the activity of the Government of the SR and its advisory bodies. The Office is further responsible for co-ordinating the fulfilment of tasks in the area of informatisation, management and the implementation of foreign financial aid as well as the implementation of policies of the European Union and European Community.
Within the framework of the EU structural funds, the Office acts as the managing authority for the Operational Programme Informatisation of Society, the purpose of which is to modernise the public administration sector and public administration institutions through information and communication technologies. One of the programme’s priorities is the electronisation of public administration and the development of e-services, the development of repository institutions (archives, libraries, museums, galleries, heritage protection centres, specialised institutes and organisations in the area of culture which deal with the preservation, protection and provision of access to information related to cultural heritage, art and culture) and the restoration of the national structure of repository institutions, including digitisation.
The Office is also the national liaison body for the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the EEA Financial Mechanism.