Regional Library in Žilina

Central Building (photo by Zuzana Mjartanová)
Krajská knižnica v Žiline
Contact: Katarína Šušoliaková (f) Director
Contact: Mgr. Zuzana Mjartanová (f) Manager of Library and Information Services Department
A. Bernoláka 47, 010 01 Žilina, Slovakia
421 (0) 41 723 2765, 421 (0) 41 723 2745
421 (0) 41 723 2765
7am-6pm Mon-Tue and Thu-Fri, 11am-6pm Wed, 9am-1pm Sat, closed Sun

Central Building (photo by Zuzana Mjartanová)

Regional Library in Žilina - logoRegional Library in Žilina is a cultural, informational and educational institution, having started its history back in 1924 as the City Public Library. Its mission is building-up and preserving universal library collections and providing unlimited access to information resources to all demographic groups of citizens. Regional Library in Žilina is:

- Methodological, statistical and coordination centre of libraries within Žilina a Bytča districts and Žilina Self-Governing Region,

- Town library for inhabitants of the town Žilina.

Library services include:

- Loans and use of non-fiction and fiction literature, periodicals, regional documents and electronic media,

- Providing access to world-wide data network Internet and electronic services in Internet study room,

- British Centre offers access to fiction and non-fiction literature in English language and organise events on English realia and original English literature,

- Library is a public meeting place of different communities and venue of a variety of social, cultural, and educational events.

