Žilina University Library

Žilina University Library - logo
Univerzitná knižnica Žilinskej univerzity
Contact: Dr Marta Sakalová (f) Director
Žilinská univerzita, Vysokoškolákov 24, 011 84 Žilina, Slovakia
421 (0) 41 513 1453, 421 (0) 41 513 1456, 421 (0) 41 513 1465
421 (0) 41 565 0190
9am-6pm Mon-Thu, 9am-4pm Fri, closed Sat-Sun

Žilina University Library - logoŽilina University Library is a central co-ordinating and methodologically-operated workplace for the provision of library-information activities within Žilina University related to all spheres of traffic, connections, engineering, electro-technology, telecommunications, driving constructions, road and railroad engineering, geodesy, information and controlling systems, management, banking, finance, economics, computer technology, science and humanities.

Information sources include (i) professional monographs, course books, textbooks, norms, bulletins, legislative documents, periodical literature, statistic surveys and annual reviews, language and professional dictionaries, encyclopaedias, videocassettes, CD-ROMs; and (ii) automatised processing of information documents (acquisition, classification, cataloguing, receiving copies, methodical activities, editing activities (processing of professional bibliographies and a register of publications), exchange of publications, and co-operation with other professional institutions

Services include provision of access to the electronic catalogue OPAC, automatised loan service, inter-library and international inter-library loan service, reference activity, Current Contents service, provision of information to the mailbox, provision of access to the internet, lecturing and consulting activity, and a reprographic service.

