Nová scéna Theatre

Nova Scena (New Stage) Theatre began life as a second theatre in Bratislava after extensive debate (especially in the press) about the need to supplement the work of the Slovak National Theatre (SND) by providing a platform for new theatre genres, forms and styles. Nova Scena was also created because of the fact that many members of SND were not satisfied with the way their dramatic potential was being used. And so the theatre New scene was opened under the auspices of SND, even its official name was the NS SND until 1951. The space for the new theatre was created at the former Alfa Cinema on Kollárovo square. Among the most active initiators of a new theatre was Martin Gregory, a significant actor with SND. A team of actors from the national theatre combined with actors from different theatres and amateur groups were formed into two ensembles: a 30-member drama ensemble, led by Artistic Director Želenský Drahos, and a 17-member musical comedy ensemble, led by Frantisek Kristof Vesely. The first premiere was very successful, and attracted great audience interest. The dramaturgical concept of Nova Scena also kept the younger audience firmly in mind. Another interesting characteristic of this theatre company is that from the outset it issued regular content-rich newsletters, which - along with the bulletins of the SND – became the theatrical magazines of that period.