code - concrete about theatre

The monthly kød – konkrétne o divadle is the only monthly in Slovakia about Slovak and foreign theatre. It was launched in march 2007 by Theatre Institute along with the information network - the Monitoring of theatres in Slovakia and their productions. The monthly filled the empty space for theatre critics and the absence of a platform for reflection and opinions of theatre artists. In its rubrics it presents the newest performances whether as reviews, critics, essays or interviews with artists. The authors of the articles are renowed Slovak theatre theoreticians and practicians.In kød the readers can find profiles of artists, information about international theatre scene, comments and remarks on cultural policy, studies from history and theory of theatre and drama, fragments and whole theatre texts and dramatisations.
It is also a place for the promotion of activities and projects of Theatre Institute and all professional theatres in Slovakia. The section dekødér brings actual list of grants, workshops, auditions and competitions, educational programs, conferences, seminars, theatre festivals and exhibitions about theatre.
kød is interesting not only because its content, but also because of its trendy graphics and various and rich photographic material.