Theatre Astorka Korzo '90

Theatre Astorka Korzo´90 aims to follow in the footsteps of Bratislava’s Divadlo na Korze Theatre, which was closed in the hard-line crackdown following the Soviet invasion of 1968. Divadlo na Korze Theatre was known for its groundbreaking choice of plays and directorial attitudes to modern world classics. The present theatre has a repertoire designed to appeal to a variety of audiences, based on a personal style of acting by the company’s galaxy of stars. In addition to modern classics it pays attention to contemporary playwriting, with remarkable production having emerged from co-operation with Slovak writer Rudolf Sloboda.
A team of professionals in Astorka prepare its stage productions which are successfully performed at Slovak, Czech and foreign international festivals (ITF Divadelná Nitra, Slovakia; ITF Divadlo Pilsen, Czech Republic; TF Setkáni/Stretnutie, Zlín, Czech Republic; ITF Na hranici, Český Těšín/Cziesyn, Czech Republic/Poland; ITF Mittelfest, Cividale del Friuli, Italy; ITF Fringe 2000 in Edinburgh, United Kingdom; Celebrate Slovakia: Art From the Heart of Europe, 2001, USA; and The Days of the Slovak Culture, Moscow, Russia).
The actors in the company are holders of numerous important theatre awards and productions of Theatre Astorka Korzo´90 have themselves twice been awarded a prestigious prize for best production of the season – the Dosky´97 for The Forest and the Dosky´98 for Scenes in the House of Bessemenov – Smug Citizens.
In 1998 Peter Kresánek (Mayor of Bratislava) bestowed upon the Theatre the Knight Roland Prize of the Mayor of the Capital of the Slovak Republic Bratislava.