Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra

Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra has undergone a long development. In 1959 the Pedagogical Institute was established, in 1964 the Pedagogical Faculty, in 1992 the College of Education, while the University obtained its current name of Constantine the Philosopher in 1996. Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra is a top educational, scientific and artistic establishment and it bears the name of a significant figure in the history of Nitra and Slovakia - Constantine the Philosopher (Saint Cyril, 827-869). Besides training teachers for primary and secondary schools, the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra trains as well future employees, which will be working as social workers, experts for cultural facilities, political scientists, catechists, journalists, archaeologists, historians, museologists, biologists, environmentalists, mathematicians, physicists, computer scientists, psychologists, gemologists and other professionals in non-pedagogical subjects. Since 1960, the University is preparing also teachers for schools with Hungarian language. The University is an open type of high school applying the principles of multicultural education.
The aim and the means of building international relations are in particular joint scientific research activities, exchange of students and researchers, but also common organization of scientific events and presentation of results of conjoint work as well as mutual exchange of publications. Interuniversity Bilateral Agreements of the Erasmus program underlay the implementation of mobility (travel and admission) of students and teachers at partner universities.
Currently, the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra has five faculties: Faculty of Natural Sciences (FPV), Faculty of Social Sciences and Health (FSVaZ), Faculty of Central European Studies (FSS), Faculty of Philosophy (FF) and the Pedagogical Faculty (PF).