University of St Cyril and Methodius in Trnava - Faculty of Arts

The Faculty of Education of the University of St Cyril and Methodius in Trnava is a modern scientific workplace with a balanced structure of study programmes offered in several forms of study. It gives students a free choice of profiling in their own Bachelors and Masters study programmes. A total of 12 departments offer six philological disciplines with several academic programmes, and six social science discipline programmes.
The Faculty is among the youngest philosophical faculties in Slovakia. Since the establishment of the University in 1997 it has developed a tradition of scientific research.
Faculty graduates of non-teaching fields of study find work in scientific research, media, editing, publishing houses, cultural facilities, museums, archives, political institutions, representative bodies, international companies and translating and interpreting institutions as well as education and managerial posts in the culture field and as education researchers. Teaching graduates in general academic subjects generally find work as secondary and higher education teachers or as teachers of primary schools.