Comenius University in Bratislava - Faculty of Education

The Faculty of Education is one of the largest faculties at Comenius University in Bratislava and simultaneously the largest Faculty of Education in Slovakia. Currently, it has its headquarters in four buildings and is located in the two parts of Bratislava. The Buildings on Moskovská and Šoltésová streets form a university campus.
The aim of the Faculty is to educate teachers for pre-school establishments and primary and secondary schools, to prepare experts for the Departments of Education, Labour and Social Affairs and Health, and to train teachers and educators for all types of specialised schools and facilities in Slovakia.
The Faculty, as a leading research department, has a thoughtfully-developed programme which interconnects the so-called disciplines of general teacher education with the specialised disciplines as well as with teaching practice in all types of schools and school facilities.
The priorities of the Faculty of Education are teacher training, elaboration of the new curricula, upgrading methodological and didactic methods and, especially in connection with the current state of the Slovak education system, monitoring results through various surveys.
An important part of the study programme is formed by non-teaching specialisations such as Logopedics, Social Work, Special Pedagogics Counselling, Therapeutic Pedagogics, Education and Social Pedagogics, Foreign Languages and Cultures. In many areas the Department is a unique centre of scientific research.