Trnava University in Trnava - Faculty of Philosophy and Arts

Filozofická fakulta Trnavskej univerzity v Trnave
Contact: Dr Marta Dobrotková Dean
Telephone: 421 (0) 33 593 9213
Contact: Iveta Čaplová (f) Secretary
Telephone: 421 (0) 33 593 9370
Trnavská univerzita v Trnave, Hornopotočná 23, 918 43 Trnava, Slovakia
421 (0) 33 593 9387
421 (0) 33 593 9370
The Faculty of Philosophy follows the traditions of the original Universitas Tyrnaviensis of 1635-1777, particularly its Faculty of Arts, and the principles stated in the Preamble of Trnava University of Trnava. As an educational and scientific institution the Faculty aims at the pursuit of the principles of Christianity, truth, freedom, and the human ideals of mankind. It preserves moral and spiritual values and educates in the spirit of ecumenism, tolerance and mutual respect. The Faculty educates future workers in the areas of Culture, Arts, Healthcare and other social specialisations, with courses in Classical Archaeology, Philosophy, Sociology, Politics, History, Classical Languages, Psychology and History of Arts and Culture.