Prešov University in Prešov - Department of Librarianship and Slovak Studies

The Department of Librarianship and Slovak Studies is a training and research institution that trains librarians and future teachers of English language and literature. Its scientific and research orientation involves linguistic research, literary research and methodical-didactic (applied) research.
Linguistics research involves the developmental aspects of Slovak language, phonetic-phonological research in groups of children, youth and adults, morphemic and morphological analysis of lexical items, linguistic-stylistic analysis of child speech, the dynamics of Slovak vocabulary, research on verbal communication (rules and principles), and research on text patterns of communication, style and stylistic movements in Slovak language.
Literary research involves a scientific focus on literary ideas from the oldest times to the present, taking into account current and progressive philosophical positions, plus the theory of literature, theory of translation, and interpretation of the artistic text.
Methodological-didactic research: focuses on proposals for new projects of teaching Slovak language and literature at primary and secondary schools.