Catholic University in Ružomberok

The establishment of the Catholic University in Ružomberok was confirmed according to the Law of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No 167/2000 of the Code of 10 May 2000 by the Bishop’s Conference of Slovakia.
The University became a public university of religious character according to the Law of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No 131/2002. The University follows the tradition of catholic universities all over the world. It makes an effort to keep the essential characteristics common for other institutions of higher education. Simultaneously, it develops the ideals of education in accordance with Christian spirit and also the mission of a university which is to reveal and mediate the truth in all the spheres of human knowledge. The University strives to instil ideas of scholarly learning by means of research and education, protecting and supporting human dignity and the cultural heritage of our forefathers. It seeks to solve the problems of the current times concerning welfare and progress, thus bringing benefits to all in society. This effort is based on Christian principles by which individuals are formed to be mature and responsible for the realisation of their profession, to be able to spread the gospel into the existing society, in developing opinions and attitudes. The Catholic University contributes to the persistent progression, development and improvement of society, following the proof of Christian national history and European spiritual culture. It continues to evolve a programme of the spiritual dimension of man and woman of the 21st century.
The University has signed co-operation agreements with over 48 foreign universities. Studies are covered by the European Credit Transfer (ECTS) and supported by student mobility agreements. The University admits all students willing to respect its catholic spirit no matter what religion they confess. Apart from state funding, the Catholic University in Ružomberok is significantly supported by the Bishop’s Conference of Slovakia, Ružomberok Municipality and Liptov Region. Municipality support is concentrated on the development of the University infrastructure, including permanent accommodation for teaching staff. A lot of effort has been expended to incorporate the University into the town and to enhance its influence on public life in Ružomberok.