Technical University in Košice - Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnology

The Faculty of Mining, Process Control and Geotechnology provides study programmes in the area of geodetics, geographical information systems, geology, geo-technologies, environmental technologies, management of earth resources, use of alternative sources of energy, rescue, fire prevention and safety technology, and development of tourism through the study programme in geotourism.
The bachelor’s degree in Geotourism prepares students to carry out tasks relating to the development of tourism at the level of facilities, municipalities and/or microregions. They are able to analyse basic problems in tourism, independently manage and carry out activities relating to the operation of tourism facilities. They have appropriate knowledge of business, the organisation and management of tourism and they are able to effectively and rationally use such knowledge for the development of tourism at the regional level.
At the second level, a master’s degree prepares students for activity in middle and senior management positions in tourism and regional development with an emphasis on sustainable development in tourism.