Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra - Faculty of Arts

Faculty of Arts, Constantine the Philosopher University (CPU) in Nitra is a leading educational and research institution amongst Slovak universities and faculties. Its mission is to develop education, science, moral behavior, art and culture promoting national, universal, human and democratic traditions. The Faculty provides job-oriented programmes to train professionals in specific areas of expertise, science, culture, media, art, government, and teachers for primary and secondary schools. The Faculty co-operates with other Slovak universities, research and cultural institutions, as well as with other legal and natural entities in Slovakia and abroad. The study at the Faculty of Arts goes hand in hand with the scientific, research and artistic activities carried out by the departments and other specialised units/centres. Students select their study programmes based on their own interests and expectations regarding their future professional career. In this respect, one of the basic missions of the Faculty is to provide quality university education in a broad range of humanities and social sciences.
The study at the Faculty of Arts is based on the selection of a study programme/ course. This selection can be made by any Slovak citizen with a completed secondary school education. The Faculty is also open to foreign students who need to certify their completed secondary school education with a valid document/certificate. The applicants can select from Bachelor’s or Master’s study programmes, or they can pick a combination of two majors within the study field of Teaching of Academic Subjects. The standard length of a Bachelor’s program is six semesters - the graduates are awarded a Bachelor’s degree. Master’s programs take four semesters and they are completed with a Master’s degree. All types of study must be completed with a state exam, which also includes the defense of Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis.
In the accredited Doctoral study programmes, students are awarded the Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) title. Fulltime (internal) doctoral study takes three years, part time (external) doctoral study takes five years. The applicants must meet the criteria set forth in the admission process. Their scope, focus and execution is determined by individual departments after being consulted with the Faculty management. The Dean is the ultimate authority to accept or reject the applicants. The students can choose from internal (fulltime) or external (part time) study. Within the life-long education programme the Faculty also provides specialised, tailor made courses for existing university graduates from all kinds of Slovak universities. The Faculty of Arts has created all necessary prerequisites for a flexible choice of study fields, study programmes and subjects/disciplines (core/mandatory, mandatory selective, optional). The introduction of ECTS, a modern and internationally acclaimed credit system, allows our students to individually organise their study plans and professional profiles while participating in international study programmes and exchange stays at foreign universities. In the social sciences, research is focused on the presentation of modern philosophical and political tendencies and the status of contemporary mass media, the role and focus of civics in a contemporary open society, ethnic and cultural research of the Slovak regions and research focused on history of philosophy. The above research endeavors are richly documented in publications. In the area of linguistics and literary research, the activities of the Centre for Co-ordinating the Research on Children’s Literature can be mentioned alongside the sociolinguistic research of national languages and literary sources, grants dedicated to the research of reception and interpretation of literary works of art, modern and postmodern elements in art, research in methodology of teaching and theory of translation.
The Departments and Institutes: