Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic - Directorate General of Higher Education
The Higher Education Division of the Ministry of Education comprises the Higher Education Division incorporates the Higher Education Directorate, the Science and Technology in Higher Education Directorate and the Centre for the Recognition of Education Qualifications.
The Higher Education Directorate is responsible for establishing universities and granting state approval to establish private universities, and for appointing rectors, professors, administrative board members and members of accreditation commissions. Furthermore, it registers universities’ internal regulations, co-ordinates doctorate degree study programmes, administers study programme systems in the Slovak Republic and manages the database of accredited study programmes and their guarantors.
The Science and Technology in Higher Education Directorate is responsible for the development of science and technology in universities and centrally managed scientific organisations and legislation in the field of science and technology in higher education.
The Centre for the Recognition of Education Qualifications is responsible for assessing foreign education qualifications and their recognition for academic and professional purposes in the Slovak Republic.