Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic - Department of Archives

The Archives and Records Section: (i) is responsible for preparing the concept for the development of archives, the takeover, making the archives accessible for the public and the protection of archival documents; (ii) gives permission for the establishment and destruction of archives and it raises proposals for the destruction of State Archives; (iii) keeps records of the archives and a list of persons performing professional activities in the archives; (iv) leads the central evidence of archival documents in the Slovak Republic; it is a subject guarantor of archival information system; (v) decides in accordance with the Act No 395/2002 Coll. on Archives and Files and on the Amendments of Other Acts; (vi) leads the evidence of penalties laid in accordance with § 30 and 31 of the Act No 395/2002 Coll. on Archives and Files and on Amendments to Other Acts in Wording of the Act No 216/2007 Coll.; (vii) prepares the concept for the development of central state archives and state archives and oversees their implementation; (viii) prepares the unified methodology for the performance of professional archival tasks for central state archives and state archives and oversees its respecting; (ix) professionally manages the Slovak National Archives, State Central Mining Archives and state archives on performance of professional archival tasks and performance of state service in relation to the originators of the archival documents; (x) fulfils the tasks in relation to the membership in the International Council on Archives and the tasks in the field of archives in relation to the European Union; (xi) co-ordinates the implementation of the tasks resulting for the Ministry, state central archives and state archives from the international cultural and inter-departmental agreements; (xii) co-ordinates the search, registration and micro-filming of the historic documents to the history of Slovakia and of Slovaks stored in archives abroad; (xiii) gives permission for a permanent and temporary export of archival documents; (xiv) leads the pursuance of returning the archival documents exported or imported without a permission; (xv) issues the apostille for copies of archival documents stored in the State Central Archives and State Archives for Use Abroad; (xvi) manages the activities of the Professional Archival Council; (xvii) publishes the magazine Slovak Archivistics as well as various professional non-periodical archival publications; (xviii) is responsible for the activities of the Heraldry Commission of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic; (xix) is in charge of the Heraldry Register of the Slovak Republic and issues the announcements on inscribing symbols, including festive announcements on inscribing symbols, into the Heraldry Register of the Slovak Republic; (xx) professionally guides the creation of state symbolism and municipal heraldry; (xxi) is in charge and organisationally manages the activities of the Terminological Commission of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic and coordinates the tasks of the Ministry in this field; (xxii) drafts proposals of the generally binding law directives regulating the execution of state administration and internal directives in this field; (xxiii) prepares standpoints for the Minister to materials prepared for the governmental sessions of the Slovak Republic which concern the field.
Note: With effect from 1 September, 2009 the activities of the Ministry of Interior in the field of files are performed by the Department of Files and Management of Documents of the Ministry ().