Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic - Directorate of Budget and Finance

Ministerstvo kultúry SR - Odbor rozpočtovania a financovania
Contact: Andrea Lisá (f) Director
Sekcia ekonomiky, Ministerstvo kultúry SR, Námestie SNP 33, 813 31 Bratislava, Slovakia
421 (0) 2 2048 2515
421 (0) 2 2048 2573
The Directorate of Budget and Accounts is responsible in particular for (i) providing a schedule of outcomes, indicators and approved indicators of the state budget, monitoring their development during the year, and on a quarterly basis reaching agreement with the Ministry of Finance on a special budget; (ii) providing finance to organisations which come under the responsibility of the Ministry; (iii) ensuring that the principles of financial and budgetary policy are respected; (iv) ensuring the preparation and implementation of the wages policy in the Ministry of Culture; and (v) preparing contracts between the Ministry and organisations which come under the responsibility of the Ministry.