Cultural Monument of the Year Award

Súťaž Kultúrna pamiatka roka
Contact: Dr Pavol Šimunič Director General
Frequency: Annual
Ministerstvo kultúry SR - Sekcia kultúrneho dedičstva, Námestie SNP 33, 813 31 Bratislava, Slovakia
421 (0) 2 2048 2415
421 (0) 2 2048 2476
The Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic organises the Cultural Monument of the Year Award in co-operation with scientific and professional institutions involved in the heritage preservation field. Proposals are provided by a professional jury. The Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic has created the Cultural Monument of the Year Award in order to encourage owners of National Cultural Monuments to take a more responsible approach in cultural heritage preservation.
A partner of the competition is the Slovak Gas Industry Foundation established by the Slovak Gas Industry Ltd.