Hašterica Award
Launched in 2004 by the Theatre Institute, the Rázcestie Civic Association and UNIMA Slovakia, the Hašterica Award is bestowed annually at the Bystrica Puppeteers' Festival for creativity in the field of Slovak puppet theatre. The award may be conferred upon an individual or upon a group of creators for a play or play script, original drama text, dramaturgy, or stage direction and management, or for best male/female performance, stage setting, costume design, puppet design, stage music or choreography. The Hašterica Award is given by a jury consisting of three expert jury members delegated by all of the competition-announcing parties.
The jury selects their favourite among puppet theatre plays staged for the first time during the two years prior to the Bábkarská Bystrica Festival by puppet theatre companies around Slovakia. The decision of the jury is announced and the award is conferred at the festival as part of its programme.