Ľudovít Fulla Award

The prize is annually awarded by the Visual Arts Fund, the Slovak section of IBBY and BIBIANA, the international house of arts for children, for the excellent work or, respectively, for the excellent lifetime achievement that has significantly contributed to the development of Slovak illustration art for children and youth. The prize is awarded in memory of a prominent Slovak painter, graphic artist and illustrator Ľudovít Fulla (*born on February 27, 1902 in Ružomberok - † died on April 21, 1980 in Bratislava). The granting of the prize is suggested by a jury, which is appointed by the committee of the Slovak section of IBBY, the committee of the Literary Fund and the committee of Visual Arts Fund (the same jury decides also upon the Triple Rose award).
The award of Ľudovít Fulla is handed over simultaneously with the Triple Rose Award (Cena Trojruža) price. Awards for literature and illustrations are granted since 1965. The award of Ľudovít Fulla for 2009 was rendered to Miloš Kopták for his decorative stylized illustrations of expressive aspect in books for children.