SOZA Awards

The SOZA Awards give public recognition for the distinguished contribution of authors of music works which have been particularly successful in the music life of Slovakia.
The founder of SOZA awards is the Slovak Performing and Mechanical Rights Society (SOZA). Awards are conferred in 12 categories: for the most successful composition in the area of serious music, brass band, folklore and popular music; for the most successful author of musical works; for the most successful composition of a foreign author; for the most successful presentation of the creation abroad; for the most successful sound or sound and video recoding medium of foreign repertoire; for the most successful sound or sound and video recording medium of a Slovak authors' creation; inscription in the SOZA Golden Book; the SOZA Grand Prix; and the special award for a commercial radio with greatest proportion of Slovak music (formerly the Gejza Dusík Award). SOZA awards are made annually for the results achieved in public performing of musical works in the preceding year, with the exception of the inscription in the SOZA Golden Book and the SOZA Grand Prix for lifelong work. In awarding nine of the awards, the results of statistical data processing for the preceding year on the actual use of music in the broadcasting of radio, television, in concerts are taken into account. The award for the most successful presentation abroad is made on the basis of reports of foreign authors' copyright companies. Inscription in the SOZA Golden Book and the SOZA Grand Prix for lifelong work are decided by the SOZA Committee following suggestions from its members.