IUVENTA - Slovak Youth Institute, Bratislava

Iuventa is a contributory organisation of the Ministry of Education of the SR and its activity is oriented towards work with children and youth and education by means of informal methods. It also provides educational, methodological and informational activities for various target groups, co-ordinates and implements activities designed to support and develop research related to youth and operates in areas which support work with talented young people (olympiads and subject competitions).
Iuventa is responsible for the administration of two grant programmes - 'ADAM' and 'Youth in Action'. The objective of the 'ADAM' programme of the Ministry of Education of the SR is to provide for more systemic and effective distribution of finances in the priority areas and equal opportunities for young people in compliance with the state policy for children and youth in Slovakia. The programme supports the out-of-school activities of children and youth, the active use of their leisure time, the civil participation of children and youth in the life of society, volunteering among young people, information and consulting activity for youth, the informal education of children and young people, research on youth, education of voluntary and professional workers with youth, and international youth mobility.
The National Agency 'Youth in Action' is responsible for the administration of the European 'Youth in Action' Programme (2007-2013) in Slovakia, which promotes informal learning among young people. Apart from allocating grants to projects, the programme provides consulting to grant applicants, prepares methodological materials, carries out training activities and disseminates information on the programme.
Iuventa is the seat of Eurodesk – European Information Network for Young People and Youth Workers.