Institute of Nationalities and Nationality Cultures

Ústav národných a národnostných kultúr
Contact: Professor Dr Ondrej Mészáros Director
Contact: Mgr. Hajnalka Budinszky (f) Secretary department
Fakulta stredoeurópskych štúdií, Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, Dražovská cesta 4, 949 74 Nitra, Slovakia
421 (0) 37 6408 859
421 (0) 37 6408 853
The Institute of Nationalities and Nationality Cultures undertakes research in four main areas: (i) Philosophy and History of Philosophy; (ii) Sociology; (iii) Theory of Literature and History of Literature; and (iv) Comparative Studies in Philosophy, Literature and Culture.
Staff of the institute focus mainly on the history of the churches and education, various aspects of cultural identity, the theme of love in literature and philosophy, amongst other areas. They have published extensively, write textbooks, and perform editorial and educational activities. They are also actively involved in the work of domestic and foreign scientific institutes.