Parliamentary Institute

The Parliamentary Institute performs scientific analysis and information and documentation tasks associated with the activities of the National Council, its committees and Members. It carries out its tasks through three departments.
The Analysis, Education and Parliamentary Research Department's functions are (i) to provide information, advice and consultation on professional issues discussed in the National Council; (ii) to produce professional analysis and information at the request of international organisations, national parliaments and other institutions; (iii) to monitor EU legislation and policies; (iv) to prepare background materials for the official speeches of Members in the foreign parliamentary groups; (v) to co-operate with the National Council when considering proposals for legislation and policy materials; and (vi) to organise the placement of university students at the National Council.
The Parliamentary Library Department's functions are (i) to add, update and make available the library collection; (ii) to provide library reference and search services; (iii) to build library catalogues and information documents; and (iv) to make library collections available in database form via the computerised system TINLIB.
Th Parliamentary Archive Department's functions are to methodically direct work with all documents passing through the office, taking care to archive all documents received.