Institute of World Literature SAS

Originating in 1964 as the Institute of World Literature and Languages, the Institute of World Literature is involved in research into the theoretical and historical issues of individual national literatures, including American, Bulgarian, Croatian, English, French, German, Italian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovene, Serbian, Spanish, Nordic, Baltic and Latin American. Its research currently focuses on issues of translation theory and literary reception in Slovakia, the theory and history of 20th century European literatures and conceptions of the inter-literary process. The institute also provides research opportunities for young scholars by way of postgraduate doctoral study. The Institute has been involved in scholarly partnerships with similar institutions in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Germany, Austria, France and Russia, including social sciences institutes within the Slovak Academy of Sciences, universities, foreign embassies and cultural institutes, international universities and scholarly institutions, writers organisations, literary and cultural associations, libraries and publishing houses.
Since 1992 the Institute has published the journal Slovak Review, since 2009 under the titel World Literature Studies, which appears 4x a year, along with various other non-periodical scholarly books published through VEDA, Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) Publishing House.