Ján Stanislav Institute of Slavistics SAS, Bratislava

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Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava SAV, Bratislava
Contact: Dr Peter Žeňuch Director
Dúbravská cesta 9, 813 64 Bratislava, Slovakia
421 (0) 2 5020 9411
421 (0) 2 5020 9412

SAV - logoThe Jan Stanislav Institute of Slavistics SAS by its research orientation fills a noticeable gap in one area of basic research - the relationship of the Slovak language and culture with other Slavic languages and cultures and research into Latin-Slovak, Slovak-Church Slavonic, Slovak-Hungarian and Slovak-German relations in ancient times. It is also engaged in research into other Slavic languages and cultures. Jan Stanislav Institute of Slavistics SAS is interdisciplinary Slavonic research centre that is devoted not only to linguistic research but also to research into history, ethnography and culturology. The Institute also performs the role of co-ordinating centre of Slavonic studies in Slovakia; this role is a consequence of its co-operation with the Slovak Committee of Slavicists.
