Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic - Directorate of Arts

Ministerstvo kultúry SR - Odbor umenia
Contact: Janka Motyčková (f) Director
Sekcia umenia, Ministerstvo kultúry SR, Námestie SNP 33, 813 31 Bratislava, Slovakia
421 (0) 2 2048 2301
421 (0) 2 2048 2375
The Directorate of Arts is responsible for performing and fine arts development.
Its responsibilities include:
- performing design activities in the cultural sector in the field of theatre, music, dance and visual arts, architecture and design;
- preparing analytical and information materials in various areas of art;
- monitoring the artistic creations of specific artistic institutions;
- paying attention to developmental trends in performing and fine arts in other countries; and
- working on background materials, processing views and analysis to encourage suggestions and proposals by individual organisations and professional and artistic associations as well as other entities.