Hungarian Cultural Centre, Bratislava

Kultúrny inštitút Maďarskej republiky, Bratislava
Contact: Dr Péter Krasztev Director
Palisády 54, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovakia
421 (0) 2 5244 2961, 421 (0) 903 733446
421 (0) 2 5244 2960
9am-5.30pm Mon-Fri, closed Sat-Sun
The Hungarian Cultural Centre Bratislava is a Hungarian state institution supported by the Ministry of Education and Culture and working under the supervision of the Balassi Bálint Institute. It is one of a network of 18 Hungarian cultural institutes around the world.
The Centre aims to introduce Hungarian culture abroad through the opportunities offered by the culture, creating the image that a small country can be a cultural power.
The Centre's mission is to fully meet the cultural and educational needs of the nearly half a million-strong Hungarian minority living in Slovakia and to be aware of the current Hungarian art world in all its diversity.