Liptov Cultural Centre in Liptovský Mikuláš
Liptov Cultural Centre in Liptovský Mikuláš serves the districts of Liptovský Mikuláš and Ružomberok. Its focus is on support for and development of local culture, including various amateur spare time activities such as amateur theatre, spoken word, music, singing, dancing, arts, photography and film.
it makes available, develops and preserves the traditional folk culture for future generations
it participates in the promotion of various spare-time activities for groups or individuals by organising district, regional, county or national qualifying competitions and presentations, thematic and international events, authorial and thematic amateur production exhibitions.
it collects, assorts, analyses and documents information relating to cultural-educational field of activity in the region.
it is one of the main organisers of the following national and international events: Folklórny festival vo Východnej (Východná Folkloric Festival), Pod Likavským Hradom (Under Likava Castle), a national presentation of children’s folklore ensembles, and Tatranský kamzík (Tatras Chamois), an international thematic presentation of amateur film.
it is the main organiser of the following nationwide competitions: PAN, a pantomime and mime-theatre competition, Rodinné video (Family Video), a thematic amateur film competition, Zlatý štít Liptova (Liptov Golden Shield), a competition for music bands and soloist singers presenting their own music and compositions, Deti a tradičná ľudová kultúra (Children and Traditional Folk Culture), Tvorivé záujmy človeka (Creative Interests of Man), a traditional folk culture competition, and Výtvarný Ružomberok (Artistic Ružomberok), an amateur painting competition
it organises regional qualifying competitions in the following spheres: Neprofesionálny film (Amateur Film), Hudobný folklór dospelých (Music Folklore for Adults), a competition for singing bands, soloist singers and instrumentalists and Tancuj, tancuj (Dance, Dance), a folk dancing and folk ensemble choreography competition
it organises annually from 15 up to 17 district and region competitions and presentations in the field of drama (Liptovská ochotnícka divadelná scéna - Liptov Amateur Theatricals, Detská dramatická tvorivosť- Children’s Drama Creativity), in the field of the spoken word (Hviezdoslavov Kubín - Hviezdoslav's Kubín, Štúrov Zvolen - Štúr’s Zvolen, Rázusovie Vrbica - Rázus’s Vrbica), in the field of art and photography (Jarný salón - Spring Salon), in the field of film (Neprofesionálny film v Liptove - Amateur Film in Liptov), in the field of singing (Popoludnie so spevokolmi - Afternoon with the Singing Groups) and in the field of folklore (children’s folkloric group competition, village folkloric group competition), as well as competitions for gypsy children (Maľujem svoj svet - Painting My Own World, Krajina slnka - Country of the Sun).
it is the organiser of the following leisure-time activities: The Walking Day and The Car-Free Day.
it provides professional consulting service on regional culture, directly assisting with the preparation and implementation of events in villages and cities of the region.
it promotes not only its own activities but also the activities of partner organisations, municipalities and cities through the issuing of the Cultural and Sporting Events Calendar and the administration of media (radio, television, press) publicity.