Cultural Contact Point Slovakia

Cultural Contact Point Slovakia is an executive and intermediating body of a program called Culture that runs from 2007 to 2013 at the national level. It is funded from the Culture program administrative budget by the European Commission and from the state budget. Originally, on Slovakia joining the program, it was part of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic, since January 2005, it has its offices in Theatre Institute in Bratislava. Program Culture, with a budget of € 400 million is a cohesive, global and integrated tool of multicultural collaboration in Europe, is open to all culture sectors and all culture subjects’ categories. Slovak entities that participate in Culture program annually include projects’ coordinators, co-organizers or partners who, through the program, co-finance the international cultural cooperation projects. The task of the Cultural Contact Point is to ensure promotion of the program, to allow as many professionals from the field of culture to participate in the program as possible, to maintain continuous contact with relevant institutions in the country, which give their support to cultural sector and contribute to mutual complementation between Culture program’s events and national support measures, to provide as exhaustive information to potential candidates as possible regarding the financial support from the cultural mechanisms of the Community, to provide information on partnership possibilities at European level, to ensure connection with other information agencies in the EU member states, to provide consulting and coordinating assistance in developing project proposals, filling in applications for potential candidates and so on.