Krásna Hôrka Castle

Contact: Eva Lazarová (f) Administrator
049 41 Krásnohorské Podhradie, Slovakia
May-Oct: 8.30am-4.30pm Tue-Sun, closed Mon; Nov-Apr: 9am-2.30pm Tue-Sun, closed Mon
Situated atop a hummock in the vicinity of an ancient trade route leading to the mining areas of the Slovenské Rudohorie, Krásna Hôrka Castle is a prominent feature of the Upper Gemer region, and one of the oldest and best-preserved castles in Slovakia; it was declared a National Cultural Monument in 1961.
Construction of Krásna Hôrka Castle was begun in the 13th century by the Bebek family, who governed here until 1566. Thereafter the castle with its accompanying manor passed into the ownership of the royal court and was administered by castle captains. The looming Turkish threat prompted reinforcement of its fortifications, with the castle acquiring its present-day appearance through reconstruction in the mid 16th century.
In 1578 the first of the Andrássy family - Peter Andrássy – was appointed captain of Krásna Hôrka Castle, and in 1642 Ferdinand III granted Peter’s grandson Matej hereditary ownership of the castle together with its accompanying manor. During the late 17th and 18th centuries the Andrássy family continuously extended Krásna Hôrka Castle and through many modifications turned it into a luxurious aristocratic residence.
Decline set in following the destruction of the oldest part of the castle by fire in 1817, leading the widow of Štefan III Andrássy, Mária Festetich, to move out of the castle. However, the family subsequently elected to preserve the remaining part of the building, including the medieval movables from the period of the Bebeks and the Andrássys. In 1866 Dionýz Andrássy opened a museum here, dedicated to his wife F Hablavcová. Juraj III, son of Štefan III Andrássy, was a great lover of science and art, active in supporting the foundation of scientific institutions in Old Hungary. In 1825 he contributed 10,000 gold pieces to the founding of the Old Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and later became an active founder of the National Museum in Budapest.
Krásna Hôrka Castle is noteworthy for its original interiors (kitchen, larder, music saloon, weapons collection).
Around one kilometre east of the castle on the road to Košice, visitors can view the architecturally and artistically valuable Andrássy Mausoleum.