Bojnice Castle

Contact: Ján Papco Director
Slvoenské národné múzeum - Múzeum Bojnice, Zámok a okolie 1, 972 01 Bojnice, Slovakia
Oct-May: 10am-3pm Tue-Sun, closed Mon; Jun-Sep: 9am-5pm daily
This neo-Gothic chateau at the foothills of the Mala Magura mountain range is one of the oldest and most significant Slovak castles. First mentioned in 1113, its first important owner was Matúš Čák Trenčiansky. The castle and its manor have always been royal property, and the king assigned them in earnest or into inherited property to devoted magnates. In 1489 King Matthius Corvinus gave Bojnice to his son Ján. In 1527 it was taken over by Alexej Thurzo, and in 1643 by Pavol Pálfi (Pálffy). The original castle has been redesigned many times in Gothic, Renaissance and subsequently Baroque style. The last extensive Neo Gothic redesign of 1889-1910 was carried out under the castle's last owner Count Ján Pálfi (Pálffy), a great lover of art and collector of antiquities, who converted it into an enchanting chateau.
Bojnice Castle now houses Slovak National Museum - Bojnice Museum, a branch of the Slovak National Museum which also administers the property.