San Paolo a ripa d'Arno

Called also the Duomo Vecchio (old cathedral), the church has undergone many transformations since it was first built. Its plan is the so called latin cross and its style the typical Pisan-romanesque.
The façade, which goes back tothe XIIIth century, is similar to that of the Duomo with three orders of small loggias above the five blind arcades and the three portals. The lateral walls and the apse are much older: notice above the left portal an old roman sarcophage. The interior was entirely reconstructed after the war: there are three naves with an apse, a dome and a transept. According to Vasari the church was entirely covered with frescoes by Cimabue and Simone Martini. Remark the beautiful Romanesque capitals above the columns.

1- On the first pillar on the left the remnants of a fresco presumably by Buffalmacco are still visible.
2- Interesting roman sarcophague where the XIth century Pisan philologist Burgundio was buried.
3- In the apse a stained glass window with Jesus and the Apostles
4- In the left side of the transept, Madonna con Bambino (Madonna with child), XIVth century painting by Turino Vanni.