San Francesco

The construction of this large church dedicated to the Saint from Assisi proceeded rather slowly and only ended in the XVIIth century.
Its marble façade, completed in 1603, is surmounded by a tympanon with a big coat of arms of the Medici Family. The lateral brick-work walls have large windows with gothic stained glasses. The beautiful brick bell-tower with mullioned windows is the work of Giovanni de Simone (XIVth century): two sides are supported by the external walls. The large 70 meters long interior of the church has a unique nave terminating in a transept, with a central chapel and three chapels on each side of it. The floor is almost entirely covered by tomb stones; on the lateral walls there are five baroque altars; on the right hand side there is a chapel, added in the XVth century, dedicated to Saint Filomena.
Of special interest is the XVth century cloister with the Chapter House with a great fresco representing the Stories of the Virgin Mary by Taddeo di Bartolo (end of the XIVth century)

1. Saint Peter receiving the keys, painting by Domenico Passignani (XVIth century).
2- The assumption of the Virgin Mary, oil painting by Ventura Salimbeni.
3- Tomb of Count Ugolino and his family who died in the Torre della Fame; polyptic representing a Crucifixion by Spinello Aretino (XIVth century).
4- Wall structures supporting the bell-tower
5- Polycrhomous marble altar-piece representing Madonna, Child Jesus, Saints and scenes of Jesus’ life by Tommaso Pisano (XIVth century).
6- On the ceiling frescoes by Taddeo Gaddi (middle of the XIVth century) representing Saints, Friars and the Virtues.
7- Casket containing sacred vessels and reliquaries of the XVIIIth and XIXth centuries.