Nation's Memory Institute Archives, Bratislava

Archív Ústavu pamäti národa, Bratislava
Košická 52, 820 05 Bratislava, Slovakia
Mailing address:
P O Box 87, 820 05 Bratislava, Slovakia
421 (0) 2 5557 1764
421 (0) 2 5557 1771
9am-3.30pm Mon-Fri, closed Sat-Sun
The Nation's Memory Institute Archives in Bratislava fulfils the tasks arising from the Memory of the Nation Law: it registers, acquires, preserves, processes, makes available, makes public, administers and makes use of the documents of the security authorities of the German Third Reich, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and also documents of the state security authorities, which were created and collected during the period from 18 April, 1939 to 31 December, 1989.
Nation's Memory Institute Archives was established in 2004 by a decision of the Archives and File Cabinets Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Slovak Republic.