Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic Archives, Bratislava

Seat archive now (photo by Martina Orosová)
Archív Pamiatkového úradu Slovenskej republiky, Bratislava
Contact: Dr Viera Plávková (f) Head
Contact: Martina Orosová (f) Historian - archivist
Telephone: 421 (0) 2 2046 4384
Cesta na Červený most 6, 814 06 Bratislava 6, Slovakia
421 (0) 2 2046 4385
421 (0) 2 5477 5844
8am - 12am and 1pm-3pm Mon-Thu, 8am-12am Fri, closed Sat-Sun

Seat archive now (photo by Martina Orosová)

Pamiatkový úrad SR - logoThe Archives of the Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic focus on preserving and making available archival materials documenting activities of heritage bodies – predecessors of today's Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic and regional heritage offices - from the mid 19th century until present day, as well as on materials by other producers or in other words materials which are in any way related to the Slovak heritage fund. These records document not only official and professional-methodical work, but also the extensive scientific-research activities that have been generated by all heritage institutions working in Slovakia. A special place belongs to personal funds, which consist of inheritance from outstanding Slovak and Czech personalities who were active in the protection of monuments in Slovakia.

Noticeable to the public archive (photo by Peter Fratrič)The greatest interest on the part of research workers is on video and graphic documents - projects, surveys, ground plans, historical and contemporary maps, photographs, glass negatives, slides, films, video recordings, posters, postcards and most recently aslo electronic documents saved on CDs and DVDs. Within the processing of archival documents, archives staff carries out a number of professional, technical and assisting activities.

The Archives also continue to perform the office of the corporate archives of Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic. They carry out pre-archival care when administering the registry of Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic and regional heritage offices, monitor record disposal procedures, and sort out their archival documents.

The Archives have been for several years systematically developing a central databank of information about archival documents from other related organisations and institutions focusing on preservation of heritage fund in Slovakia. The Archives constantly work on the development and improvement of services they offer to the general public. This programme includes creating an archival information system, the main part of which is electronic processing of archival tools and creation of database of professional archival information. One extraordinary task is photo-documentation of cultural monuments. The Archives thus not only preserve the records on the history of cultural monuments but simultaneously actively participate in their actual documentation. Among the archives' significant activities also belongs publishing activity - twice a year the archives staff in co-operation with other professionals prepare an internal journal called Informátor (Informant). This provides space not only for information about the activities of the archives and library and other areas of the Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic, but also conveys news about scientific conferences from all related disciplines.
