Foundation - Centre for Contemporary Arts

Foundation - Centre for Contemporary Arts (former Soros Centre for Contemporary Arts) was founded in 1993 in the frame of OSI network in Eastern Europe. F-CCA has been working for 16 years already, supporting the expansion of contemporary arts, specifically of visual arts, music, dance, theatre, cinema and film through its activities following the 'open society' philosophy. It has been operating also in line with co-ordination and establishment of links between the work of partner centres from Eastern and Central Europe. F-CCA aims the research and monitoring of the most recent trends and directions in contemporary Slovak arts, is building a database of artists. Among its activities is the processing and distribution of up-to-date information, and above all, provision of grants stimulating the rise of new works of art, exhibition projects, workshops or catalogues and books. It is a platform offering support for development of creative programmes for individuals, institutions, independent or alternative scenes. Apart from the above mentioned activities since 1996 F-CCA has been very active in providing educational programmes for young professionals - artists, managers, researchers and wide professional public as well. The most important role of F-CCA is orientation on educational activities linked to art management and cultural policy as far as there is no other organisation in Slovakia systematically working in this field.
The Centre is a member of the European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centres (ENCATC).