Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic, Ružomberok Office

Žilina Regional Heritage Office, Ružomberok Office under the provisions of Act. N.49/2002 Z.z. on the Protection of Monuments (Monuments Act) as amended, carries out state supervision responsibilities over the condition, utilisation and provision of protection of monuments, draws up the groundwork related to town-planning documentation for the relevant state administration bodies and local self-government authorities, co-operates with them in processing the preparatory, project and restoration documentation designed for preservation, renovation and utilisation of cultural monuments, historic sites and archaeological findings and sites; Upon their request, it provides Circuit Authorities, as well as Higher Territorial Units and Municipalities with extracts from Central List of Monuments of the Slovak Republic in accordance with their territorial circuits; Guides the activities of legal entities and natural persons in preservation, renovation and utilisation of monuments, archaeological findings and sites and provides them with professional and systematic assistance, decides upon and issues binding provisions and provisions on the reconstruction and restoration of cultural monuments and on reparation of immovable assets; Provides municipalities with methodical and professional assistance in registering local community attractions; Oversees the compliance with this law and adopts measures to eliminate the deficiencies in preserving the monuments, imposing fines and conducting minor offence proceedings. The Ružomberok Office carries out the above mentioned responsibilities within the following districts: Ružomberok, Liptovský Mikuláš, Dolný Kubín, and Tvrdošín, Námestovo. It provides care for 12 monument zones: Liptov - Hybe, Liptovský Mikuláš, Liptovský Hrádok, Liptovský Ján, Nižná Boca, Partizánska Ľupča, Východná, Stankovany-Podšíp, Ružomberok; Orava - Tvrdošín, Trstená, Oravský Podzámok and for two Folk Architecture Monument Reserves: Vlkolínec and Podbiel. Vlkolínec is part of UNESCO World Heritage Natural and Cultural Sites List.