Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic, Košice Regional Centre

A C T Nr. 49 from 2002 on the protection of monuments and historic sites:
§ 11:
Regional Monuments Boards
(1) Regional Monuments Boards are the first instance competent administrative authorities to take decisions on the rights and duties of legal entities and natural persons in the field of the protection of monuments and historic sites in all cases where this Act does not stipulate otherwise.
(2) Regional Monuments Boards shall monitor the status and use of monuments and execute state supervision over the protection of monuments and historic sites; draw up documents connected with the preparation of urban and regional planning documentation for the competent state administration authorities, and co-operate with them on the preparations of project and restoration documentation for the conservation and renovation of monuments and historic sites;
provide regional and district state administration offices, on their request, as well as self-governing regions and municipalities11) with extracts from the Central Register of Monuments and Historic Sites (hereinafter referred to as ”the Central Register”) according to their territorial districts;
direct the activities of legal entities and natural persons aimed at the conservation, renovation and use of monuments and historic sites and provide them with professional and methodological assistance;
ensure, in necessary cases, temporary professional custody of movable cultural heritage monuments;
provide municipalities with methodological and professional assistance in keeping records on the local sights of these municipalities;
monitor compliance with this Act and take measures to remedy deficiencies in the protection of monuments and historic sites;
impose fines according to Arts. 42 and 43.
Two branch offices have been established in Rožňava and Spišská Nová Ves: