Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic, Trnava Regional Centre

The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic, Trnava Regional Centre is a specialised body of state administration that decides on the rights and obligations of legal entities and natural persons in the field of the protection of monuments as well as archaeological finds and sites. The parent body of the Trnava Regional Centre is the Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic. In particular the Trnava Regional Centre performs state supervision on the conditions, use and protection of monuments and archaeological sites throughout the Trnava region; It defines the principles of protection of monument areas and prepares documents related to the documentation in urban planning; it co-operates with the state administration and local authorities in the preparation of documentation for saving and restoring the country's monuments; and it directs the activities of legal entities and natural persons in saving, restoring and correctly using 593 immovable, 832 movable national cultural monuments, historic sites, conversation areas, archaeological finds and sites in seven districts of Trnava Region. During times of crisis it co-operates with other bodies of state and local administration to ensure the protection of cultural monuments and if necessary to ensure temporary custody of movable monuments. The Centre also applies measures and imposes fines to prevent errors in the protection of monuments and provides professional and methodological assistance to all municipalities and cities in the Trnava region by recording the sights in the municipality. Trnava Regional Centre is also engaged in publishing, promotional and educational activities and takes part in projects concerned with the cultural heritage of the Trnava region.