Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic, Komárno Office

The Komárno branch office of the Nitra Regional Centre of the Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic is a field department which carries out the state supervision of the protection of monuments on the territory of Komárno.
The main activity of the office is to direct the activities of the citizens in saving, renovating, restoring and correctly using immovable and movable cultural monuments and conservation areas in the district. The office adopts measures to eliminate shortcomings in the protection of monuments and provides professional and methodological assistance to 15 municipalities and to the town itself in registering their historical monuments. It also elaborates materials for territorial planning documentation of the state administration authorities and if necessary it provides for the temporary storage of movable cultural monuments. It participates in research projects targeted on the cultural heritage. Editorial, promotional and educational activities constitute a significant part of its work. The proposal for entry of the Komárno-Komárom Fortification System in the UNESCO List of Cultural and Natural Heritage is its current priority.