Gallery of Naive Art SNG, Pezinok

Slovak National Gallery - logo
Galéria insitného umenia SNG, Pezinok
Contact: Iveta Žáková (f) Administrator
Mailing address: 
Pezinok Schaubmarov mlyn, Cajlanská 255, 902 01 Pezinok-Cajla, Slovakia
421 (0) 33 640 4035
10am-7pm Tue-Sun, closed Mon

Slovak National Gallery - logoOpened in 1997 the Gallery of Naïve Art is housed at Schaubmar Mill, a monument of culture and technology built in Pezinok-Cajla in 1767. Administered by the Slovak National Gallery, the Gallery is the first of its kind in Slovakia. Its permanent exhibition highlights a representational selection of almost 100 paintings and sculptures created by major Slovak naïve artists from the SNG collections. A collection of works by painters from Kovačica is also on display, plus a unique international collection of works by naïve artists from Croatia, France, Finland, Italy, the Czech Republic and other countries.

Reconstructed mill machinery from 1913 can also seen within the Gallery.
