Chipped industry

Analysis of stone artefacts
(chipped industry)
Bc. Blanka Veselá
FF MU Brno
  1. Assessment of sets of chipped industry (hereinafter CI) artefacts according to morphological categories. The emphasis is laid on the amount of individual artefacts in each category within one set. A detailed description and consequent statistical evaluation may identify changes in the technology of CI production and development of individual tools. The character of tools helps determine past activities on the site.
  2. Description of materials used for CI production according to five material categories (silicides, minerals, SiO2, natural glass, clastic siliceous rock, and other rocks).
  3. Comparison of CI sets according to their size, content and used materials with other CI sets from the same time period (or culture).
  4. Publication of drawings of representative samples from each CI set.
Příklad štípané industrie