Matica slovenská Building, Martin

The originally Late Classicist one-storey building of Matica slovenská (loosely translated as 'Slovak Fellowship') was built according to the designs of J N Bobula and M Urbánek in 1869-1875, and financed from grajciar (an old small coin of the time) collections organised all across Slovakia. The building of the final edifice was preceded by the so-called Matičná Svetlica (fellowship hall), which was launched as a early as 1865, two years after the official approval of the Statutes of Matica slovenská. However, this national establishment of the Slovaks, which Matica had virtually become right after its opening, was looked upon with displeasure by the chauvinistically-inclined Hungarian Government, which prohibited its activity in 1875. They ordered that the edifice be rebuilt and remodelled, and they even ordered the removal and destruction of the founding deeds from the foundation stone. A post office, a penitentiary and a court were placed inside the building. Today, after restoration the building houses the Slovak National Literary Museum SNK, Martin.