CSEMADOK – branch in Štúrovo:
a) organizes educational activities of Hungarians in Slovakia and defends their interests,
b) develops the linguistic culture of Hungarians in Slovakia, improves the natural relationship to their common Hungarian culture
c) contributes to the expansion of cultural and scientific life of Hungarians in Slovakia, enhances education in their mother tongue in order to maintain the cultural heritage, promotes contacts with Hungarians living in Diaspora regions of Slovakia,
d) assembles all those who materially and otherwise promote the cultural, social and scientific life of Hungarians in Slovakia,
e) expands its membership base, creates for members conditions for active and purposeful work in the cultivation of national culture,
f) is active in order to open up and multiply material as well as spiritual culture values of its membership,
g) in accordance with its mission, it is engaged in cultural education of children and youth, supports youth activities within the Association,
h) organizes cultural, educational and social events, establishes learning communities (self-managed artistic groups, educational and artistic interest groups, clubs), encourages and supports their work,
i) in order to spread the local and regional culture, it coordinates and methodically helps amateur, educational and artistic movements,
j) organizes central, provincial and district cultural events, amateur educational and artistic shows, competitions,
k) detects and safeguards values, relics of cultural, historical and artistic nature related to life of Hungarians in Slovakia, popularizes folk culture, homeland traditions, supervises and develops local houses of culture, encourages the establishment of new houses of culture, promotes rural tourism,
l) initializes and encourages assembling, processing and comprehensive research of documents and information related to the history and life of Hungarians in Slovakia,
m) extends and improves contacts with domestic and foreign cultural organizations and institutions, promotes scientific, artistic and publishing activities of its members,
n) in order to ensure the continuity of its work it is establishing foundations, carries on commercial and publishing activities,
o) cooperates and may conclude agreements with all domestic and foreign individuals, organizations and movements, which operate in accordance with the objectives and programs of the Association.