Ringier Slovakia Publishing Company, Bratislava

Vydavateľstvo Ringier Slovakia a. s., Bratislava
Contact: Peter Mertus General Manager
Prievozská 14, 821 09 Bratislava, Slovakia
Mailing address: 
P O Box 47, 820 04 Bratislava, Slovakia
421 (0) 2 5822 7450
421 (0) 2 5822 7450

Ringier Slovakia a s is the largest publishing house in Slovakia, which issues the market-leading NOVÝ ČAS Independent newspaper newspaper in both printed and online formats, a portfolio of popular weekly and monthly general-interest magazines as well as the popular Internet news portal and a range of published book titles. Ringier Slovakia a s is a SKK 1.1 billion-plus (US$ 33 million-plus) company with around 260 employees and apart from its central office in Bratislava another eight regional branch offices throughout Slovakia.

Ringier has been active in Slovakia since the beginning of the 1990s. Ringier Slovakia a s, owned 100 per cent by Ringier (Switzerland's largest publishing house), is the market leader in the Slovak magazine sector. With a 60 per cent market share, it has the largest proportion of Slovakia’s readership. The Zivot family magazine has a circulation of some 140,000, while the TV programme guide Eurotelevizia has a circulation above 120,000 - these are among the country’s highest circulation figures for publications. Novy Cas Pre Zeny, a newly-launched weekly women’s magazine, set new records from the outset, with sales of 220,000 making it the undisputed number one in this segment.

The Ringier media company produces more than 70 publications in nine countries. owns six print works in Switzerland and abroad, produces and markets more than 10 TV programmes, entertains around 20 internet platforms of its own, and holds a stake in the largest cookery book publisher in Switzerland (Betty Bossi).
