PLECTRUM Publishing Company, Fiľakovo

Vydavateľstvo PLECTRUM, Fiľakovo
Contact: Dr Zorán Ardamica Director
Biskupická 55, 986 01 Fiľakovo, Slovakia
421 (0) 47 433 0001, 421 (0) 905 249954
421 (0) 47 433 0001

Established in 1996, Plectrum is a well-known book publishing house. It publishes current Hungarian novels from Slovakia and Hungary, literature for children and educational and professional publications. Since 2001 it has also published translations from Hungarian into Slovak and from Slovak into Hungarian. Plectrum also releases music media and CD-ROMs. Plectrum issues some 4-7 publications annually. Most of its authors, illustrators and co-workers are members of professional groups. Books are usually acclaimed by critics in Slovakia as well as in Hungary.

In addition to its publishing activity, Plectrum also undertakes advertising activity, organisation of cultural events, sound and light reinforcement, sound and studio installations, retail and wholesale activity and mediatory services, preparation of publications for print, teaching activity in the field of music and the Hungarian language, and translating and interpreting (Slovak and Hungarian language).
