Žilina Regional Government - Tourism Department

Úrad Žilinskeho samosprávneho kraja - Oddelenie cestovného ruchu
Contact: Marta Zimanová (f) Specialist-Manager for Tourism
Odbor regionálneho rozvoja, Úrad Žilinskeho samosprávneho kraja, Komenského 48, 011 09 Žilina, Slovakia
421 (0) 41 503 2305
421 (0) 41 503 2336-7

The Tourism Department analyses tourism needs, prepares proposals for tourism development in the Žilina Region and required support and identifies targets for the next period. After they are successfully implemented plans can become a methodical guideline for production of municipal tourism development concepts as well as for planning the strategic goals of entities operating in the tourism industry.
